About us
Doña Dora is a local bird conservation icon. She has been a well-known neighbor in the area since 1998, when she started feeding beautiful birds every day in conjunction with her restaurant. Since then it has received international birdwatching tourists, local workers and spectacular birds. The Doña Dora land is now a reserve that protects birds, insects and flowers from the Anchicayá forest. This is a relaxing place to photograph birds, enjoy coffee, empanadas, homemade meals, take a nap in a hammock or enjoy a walk in nature. Visitors can see from 28 to 60 species in one day, in an area no larger than 150 square meters. You will especially enjoy a unique bird with seven easily recognizable colors, a distinctive song with a symphonic rhythm, a cluck that it uses when it finds food, and a click to call the chick when it is fed. It has a beak with a cutting tool design, which allows it to perforate dry trunks in the preparation of its nests. Have you ever seen the Toucan Barbet (Semnornis ramphastinus) before? You will be surprised at Birding Doña Dora!
Currently, we receive up to 8 overnight visitors each night, in small groups to honor the conservation process on our land. Our birds enjoy a diversity of feeders with papayas, guava, bananas and sweet plantains. We also protect the birds by providing the Andean Cock-of-the-Rock (Rupicola peruvianus) a place for their mating rituals. Additionally, Birding Doña Dora has a record of more than 500 bird species throughout our area known as the Anchicayá, ruta, which includes 4 endemic, 54 semi-endemic and 10 threatened species.

Our history
Birding Dona Dora
Service hours
Visit us
Monday - Sunday: 6:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Altitud: 1300 msm
Temperatura promedio: 22° C